Tess Strand

Every passing moment is another chance to turn it all around.”

— Vanilla Sky

I created Breathing Room because I believe deeply in the importance of returning to the ‘village’ – investing in and connecting to our community (both locally and globally).

Rediscovering and cultivating this most basic and intrinsic level of connection is crucial to our individual and collective health - mental and physical, especially in the context of our screen-driven lives. The intimate, human connections we make and sustain throughout our lifetimes exponentially increase our quality of life in a way that cannot be replicated through social media followers and emoji hearts.

Yoga and meditation can act as a conduit of connection not only within our own bodies, but outwardly, with other human beings; encouraging empathy and understanding with, for, and among each other, through our purposeful work with the body and the breath. 

My passion for global and eclectic art, culture, and philosophy has led me to explore the world with an open heart - falling in love with Spain, India, Nepal, Iran, Singapore, Canada, Sri Lanka, France, Israel, Jordan, Dubai, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, of course, the US, and many more. I intend to continue to add to this list - always coming home, and coming home a better version of myself each time.

The year of my 50th birthday, I realized that I could choose a brand new direction in life and decided to experience 500 yoga teacher training hours in South Goa, India. It was a transformational experience in ways I am still discovering - not the least of which was becoming stronger, leaner, and seemingly - younger.

Dedicated to creating life-changing experiences I curate the team, the community, and the schedule at Breathing Room.

While I do have 500 certified and registered yoga teacher training hours plus multiple specialty yoga and meditation certifications, I am first and always a student so you’ll often see me participating in our classes.



